Bio :
<p><strong>Sheila Peters</strong> has been involved with helping people feel good about themselves for over 40 years. She began as a professional dancer and teacher where she encouraged students to find joy in movement and discover ways to authentically express themselves. Realizing that she had been practicing hands on healing work throughout her dance career, Sheila decided to devote the majority of her time to energy medicine to be able to help all people whether they danced or not. Sheila is an Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and wingWave© coach, and holds a BA in Dance from UCSB and a MS in Leadership from Northeastern University. She draws upon her innate channeling skills to enhance energy medicine sessions for her clients. Sheila utilizes her extensive knowledge of the body and energy medicine to promote healing in her clients on physical, mental, emotional, and energetic levels.</p>
Accepting Clients :
Credentials :
Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner - EEM-CLP, Reiki Practitioner, wingWave© Coach, MS Leadership, BA Dance.