Bio :
<p>Hi Friends! I'm happy you found your way here 🙂 A little about me: I enjoy creating personally-tailored Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness sessions and workshops to best support your optimal healing journey. My practice is a unique fusion of my training and background, and I incorporate Spirituality, Holistic Wellness Education and Coaching, Energy Kinesiology, Guided Meditation, Medical Qigong, Dance, Sound Healing, Essential Oils and other natural healing modalities according to your needs and goals. I've had the honor and pleasure of sharing Holistic Wellness with a variety of people around the world - from 6 month-olds to 86 year-young folks, from K-12 Schools to Universities, for Hospitals, Nonprofits and Corporate Orgs, in Government County Systems to rural villages, and for Senior Centers and Temples in over 11 countries (USA, Taiwan-ROC, Australia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Panama, Austria, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Singapore). If you're interested in 1:1 private wellness sessions (in-person or remote), or you're ready for self-empowerment and would like to learn about whole self-care and how to tap into your own natural healing abilities, let's connect. Wishing you and your loved ones peace and *wellth* (a wealth of wellness). </p>
Accepting Clients :
Credentials :
Doctorate of Natural Medicine, Advanced Eden Method Practitioner and Authorized Teacher, IKC-certified Touch for Health Instructor and Professional, Top Ten Pain Relief and Epigenetics Practitioner, PASOH-certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, California Licensed National Holistic Institute Massage Therapist and Health Educator