Bio :
In 2001, I experienced a shift in my life that led me to begin an exploration of Energy Medicine.  The most significant wellness shifts occurred with Eden Energy Medicine (EEM).  My journey led me personally to rebalance my energies allowing me to overcome the effects of stress, including chronic pain/fatigue, brain fog, hormone imbalances, frequent illnesses, bouts of depression, sensitivity to electronics, sleep issues, and being emotionally distraught.  I live in joy with inspiration, focus and energy.  All this was accomplished with the certification process, and having sessions with Energy Healing Practitioners along with empowered self-care.My journey and education has included energy medicine, acupressure, tai chi, yoga, Reiki, essential oils, posture therapy, sound healing, color therapy, reflexology, and crystals. 
Accepting Clients :
Credentials :
Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner (EEM-AP), Eden Method Authorized Teacher, Inner Focus Certified Advanced Energy Practitioner, Inner Focus Church-Masters of Ministerial Science, Reiki II.