
Introduction to Energy Medicine (Part A & B) – 6-hour Class
Tento kurz je nazvaný česky Základní kurz. Naučíte se Denní energetickou sestavu, práci s Trojitým zářičem na uklidnění stresu a tzv. neurovaskulární body. Kurz proběhne...

Donna Eden’s Introduction to Energy Medicine – The Daily Energy Routine (3-hour class)
This is in-person class. Class handout will be sent electronically before the class. Seating is limited so please, register early!

Introduction to Energy Medicine (Part 2) – 6-hour Class
Kurz je česky, probíhá od 9:00 do 16:30 Sleva za celý víkend 3980 CZK Obědy jsou na vlastní náklady

Introduction to Energy Medicine (Part A & B) – 6-hour Class
Kurz je česky. Ubytování a stravu si musí účastníci zajistit. Sleva za oba kurzy/celý víkend – 3980 CZK

Introduction to Energy Medicine (Part A & B) – 6-hour Class
This class is taught in Czech. Translations of handouts are provided. Accommodation at Toulcuv Dvur is limited and can be booked directly at the hostel...

Introduction to Energy Medicine (Part 2) – 6-hour Class
More information in Czech on my website: Class is taught in Czech and participants will receive a translated handout. Accomodation at Toulcuv dvur is...

Balancing Hormones with Eden Energy Medicine – 1-hour Class
We meet in my office in Fountain Square Mall in Bloomington downtown

Releasing Pain with Eden Energy Medicine – 1-hour Class
We meet in my office at Fountain Square Mall, in Bloomington downtown.

Calming Stress and Anxiety with Eden Energy Medicine – 1-hour Class
We meet in-person in my office at Fountain Square Mall in Bloomington downtown