Bio :
I started out as a riding instructor and horse trainer. We used various energy practitioners and body workers to help our horses perform at their best. It was through my own sport and horse training related injuries that I developed an interest in Somatics. Somatics helped both myself and my students to ride and move in better balance and without pain. It was during a series of health issues that I moved toward Energy Medicine. What I loved most about Eden Energy Medicine is that I can utilize all the tools for myself, as well as others, and my animals. The tools are simple, but powerful! Throughout my clinical practice I have found that the combination of Somatics and Energy healing, work together powerfully to aid the body in moving into a greater state of balance. Energy work not only compliments the Somatic work, but brings a deeper physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.  My passion is in sharing and guiding people to live to their fullest health and movement potential. I am available for classes both online and in person and offer individual sessions online and in-person.
Accepting Clients :
Credentials :
Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, Essential Somatics Clinical Practitioner, Centered Riding Level 2 Instructor